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Population Health Initiative
Phone: (305) 348-0435
Email: pophealth@fiu.edu
Staff Directory
Office of Research & Economic Development
11200 SW 8th Street, MARC 473-A
Miami, FL 33199
The world is confronting unprecedented threats to health, quality of life, and survival of our ecosystems. The search for solutions is a national and global priority. It will require many disciplines to work cooperatively to better understand underlying causes and long-range solutions to large-scale problems imperiling population health. This magnitude of effort requires organizing comprehensive responses formulated and implemented by local, regional, and global public and private stakeholders. FIU has recognized and responded to this challenge and will provide the highest quality of research and the power of convening national and international experts for developing state-of-the-art investigations, plans, policy recommendations, and pilot initiatives that will benefit population health.
University of Washington’s President Ana Mari Cauce shared her vision for how the UW will create the greatest possible impact in the world for the good of students, the public and future generations during her annual address on Oct. 12, 2023 at the Henry Art Gallery Auditorium.
ASL interpretation and closed-captioning provided. Read the full text of the address (PDF).